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Georgian Pop-Up at Fovl
Experience the magical atmosphere of Georgia right here in Kbh NV with our “Georgian Pop-Up at Fovl”. Together with the creative forces behind More Birds, we invite you to an evening filled with authentic flavors of Georgian cuisine. Our skilled chef will indulge your taste buds with traditional dishes while enjoying carefully selected Rosforth-Rosforth wines that complement the food in the best way. On this special evening, you will not only have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food and wine, but also to be part of a unique dining experience in a cozy and intimate atmosphere. Our pop-up events are known for their warm vibe and community, so bring your friends along and be ready to join in an evening that celebrates both culture and culinary joys. Come and discover why our pop-up events make dining experiences something special!
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We can also arrange private events for larger groups, such as company events etc. Leave us your details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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About Flere Fugle

Flere Fugle is a bakery in Kbh NV. But this is not an ordinary bakery. It is also a pizza bar and event venue — in the same spirit as Café Fovl on Sneppevej, which Flere Fugle is an extension of. In cooperation with our sister café Flok Kantine, we make lunch arrangements and catering out of the house — for birthdays, weddings, courses, corporate parties, etc. We offer various courses and workshops — both for individuals and for companies. For more read on the website or write to us below. Remember also to visit our small venue Lille Fugl on Gl. Strand 48, Kbh K.