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Sourdough pizza

Are you ready to experience the wonderful world of sourdough pizza with more birds? Our pizza course is a special experience that combines Italy's traditional pizza-making techniques with Copenhagen NV's local bakery traditions. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the unique process of making sourdough pizza, under the knowledgeable guidance of our experienced bakers.

Through this interactive, educational and fun experience, you'll get to practice the techniques behind making the perfect sourdough pizza. We will show you how to prepare the dough, choose the right ingredients, and make the pizza turn crispy without losing its airy consistency. By the end of our course, you will have achieved the self-assurance required to bake your own wonderful sourdough pizza at home.

What is included

Drinks will be available throughout the workshop: coffee/tea/soft drinks - and pizza of cause!
Participants are given a manual with home and sourdough to continue sourdough baking at home.

Practical information


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Buy a gift cardGive someone you care about an experience they'll never forget.
Book a private eventLooking to hold a private event?
We can also arrange private events for larger groups, such as company events etc. Leave us your details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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About Flere Fugle

Flere Fugle is a bakery in Kbh NV. But this is not an ordinary bakery. It is also a pizza bar and event venue — in the same spirit as Café Fovl on Sneppevej, which Flere Fugle is an extension of. In cooperation with our sister café Flok Kantine, we make lunch arrangements and catering out of the house — for birthdays, weddings, courses, corporate parties, etc. We offer various courses and workshops — both for individuals and for companies. For more read on the website or write to us below. Remember also to visit our small venue Lille Fugl on Gl. Strand 48, Kbh K.

Flere Fugle Rentemestervej 57, 3C2400 København NV 93 83 75 73
© 2024 Flere Fugle
From DKK 795/guest
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From DKK 795/guest